

A python implementation of "Risk of non Adaptedness" method (with a bit of R too!) pyRona calculates the "Risk of non Adaptedness" (RONA) of "demes" based on allelic frequencies, current environmental variables and projected future environmental variables. It is the first public implementation of the method developed in Rellstab et al. 2016. You can find more detailed information in the method description section.


  • Python 3; pyRona has not been tested with python 2
  • numpy
  • matplotlib

Where to get it

  • Source code - pyRona on gitlab
  • Source distribution on pypi - pyRona on Pypi
    • You can easily install pyRona by issuing the command pip3 install pyRona


Bug reporting

Found a bug or would like a feature added? Or maybe drop some feedback? Just open a new issue.


pyRona is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.